Shared AR
With Shared AR, you can offer synchronous multi-user capabilities without requiring complex infrastructure or ongoing maintenance. Up to 10 simultaneous users can collaborate and interact at once.
Create multi-user experiences that enable interaction within AR applications
Key Features
Real-time connection for up to 10 users in a single room
Bring players together in the same space using VPS
Peer-to-peer messaging via Shared AR's relay server
Integration with Unity’s Netcode for GameObjects
Co-localization Options
VPS Co-localization: Uses VPS-Activated locations as experience anchors
Image Tracking Co-localization: Anchors experiences using real-world images
Mock Co-localization: For testing networking and debugging in Unity editor or device environments
Key Features
Shared Experiences
Offers synchronous multi user capabilities without requiring complex infrastructure or ongoing maintenance.
Flexible Deployment
Supports both anchored VPS content on our map and ad hoc setups for use-anywhere experiences.
Scalable Capacity
Accommodates up to 10 users in Unity applications and up to 32 users in web-based applications.